

Personal Weekly Classes via Zoom

Monday | 9:30-10:30am Book

Wednesday | 6:00-7:00pm Book

Studio Classes

Yin & Yang @ Yoga Sweat Birmingham
Monday | 5:00-6:00pm Book

All personal classes are donation based, please just donate what you can and if you are not in a position to donate that’s fine just drop me an email.

To attend my personal classes use PayPal: KiranDevi85@hotmail.co.uk or bank transfer on request. For studio classes, please visit their website for pricing structure.

I am teaching all my personal classes online through Zoom. Once you book onto an online class I will send you joining instructions on how to access the class. It is simple to use and we get to enjoy the beautiful benefits of yoga in the comfort of our homes.

About my Classes

I teach Vinyasa flow, this style of yoga encourages meditation through movement with an emphasis on the synchronisation of motion and breath. Vinyasa is a type of yoga that links movement and breath to attain balance in the mind and body. From the Sanskrit “to place in a special way” Vinyasa aligns a deliberate sequence of poses with the breath to achieve a continuous flow. I enjoy creative sequencing to move the body in different ways, the body gets good at doing the same thing so by adding subtle changes to poses to activate different muscles and use parts of your body that you may have not used or felt before, it also enables you to be more focused and present as you don’t know what’s coming next! 

Corporate Yoga & Private Classes

I teach yoga in the workplace and customise my classes to the needs of the company and employees. I also offer private yoga classes, working on a one to one basis, offering tailor made sessions to meet the individual needs of the client. The opportunity to work on yourself in the comfort of your own space and in a suitably designated time, you decide!

To book a corporate or a private yoga class, please contact me - KiranDevi85@hotmail.co.uk