
I’ve always had a passion for movement and leading a healthy lifestyle, I love to share my knowledge and experiences with others to uplift and inspire. I love to empower people to look after their health physically, mentally and emotionally through movement and meditation.


Growing up I always felt uncomfortable in my own skin, not feeling good enough and trying hard to fit into society’s standards. Movement has always been a massive part of my life as it gave me a sense of aliveness and illuminated every cell of my being. It was my medicine to heal from lack of self -worth, hurt and anxieties that were embedded within me.


After finishing university I hit a low point in my life, this lead me to the path of yoga. Yoga was my outlet, it healed me from the inside out. It unravelled layers of me that I was holding onto and enabled me to embrace my true self. This shift made me accept who I am, what I value and to continue to grow and evolve in my life. Yoga was my medicine and that is when my healing journey began. Years of practicing led me to embark on my journey as a yoga teacher.

Yoga is a tool for life to bring back balance, equilibrium and bring you back to your true self, this is how it resonated with me.

Yoga for me now is a regular discipline and not just an exercise routine. I love the spiritual benefits it brings, through movement, yoga creates this inner space. I encourage students to explore their bodies and express whatever emotion they are feeling, good or bad release it on the mat. I really hope to meet you soon and chat over a piping hot Mao Feng green tea!

Sending all the love, Kiran xxx